1. 市況上揚:
The market advances/ gains /rises.
2. 市況下挫:
The market declines /falls/loses.
3. 市況活躍:
The market booms. The market is excited. The market becomes active. The market becomes brisk.
4. 市況暴跌停滯:
The market slumps. The market becomes dull. The market breaks down.
5. 市況走勢上揚,市況攀升走高:
The market is on the up grade. The market is on an upward trend. The market tends upward.
6. 市況走勢下跌,市況下劃走低:
The market is on the down grade. The market tends downward. The market is on a downward trend. The market takes downward.
7. 市況狂跌:
The market declines/drops/sags.
8. 市況暴漲:
The market jumps/advances/soars.
9. 總結:
The market improves (好轉) / picks up (揚升) / hardens (轉趨堅俏) / stiffens (堅挺) / revives (復蘇) / rebounds (反彈) / regains (恢復) / rallies (重振) .
下跌趨勢:The market collapses (崩潰) / relaxes (疲軟) .
行情波動:The market fluctuates (波動).
[形容詞]上揚情況: The market is strong (強勁) / firm (堅穩) / exciting (活躍) / advancing (爬升) / healthy (健康).
下跌趨勢:The market is weak (疲軟) / soft (疲軟) / easy (緩慢).
平穩不變:The market is quiet(靜止) / calm (平靜) / unchanged (不變) / steady (平穩)/ supported (平持).
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